Anti-bullying toolkit developed by Stepping Stones NI and European Partners
Stepping Stones NI is this week celebrating the climax of 2 years’ research into developing a resource to counter workplace bullying for people with learning disabiltiies.
The Charity, in Partnership with several European partners has developed a toolkit that will better equip people with learning disabilities on what bullying actually is, will help to maintain and sustain the employment of people with learning disabilities, and will increase their confidence and self-esteem. Speaking about the program Stepping Stones Employment and Training Manager, Joanne Murray commented:
We are so excited about the roll out of this toolkit, because we have seen the impact bullying can have on people with learning disabilities and we know the toolkit can help. Our European partnerships with organisations in Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Spain and UK has given us a much wider understanding of bullying on a European scale, and this allowed for greater shared learning and ultimately a fantastic product which will be available throughout Europe.
If you would like to know more about The Let me be Me toolkit please contact Stepping Stones Employment Service on 028 9266 6404, visit the website or follow them on twitter @letmebeMe.